No property available for sale

Umatilla County Tax Foreclosed Properties for Sale

Umatilla County has the following described properties, acquired for delinquent taxes or other means by Umatilla County, available for sale. The County is now accepting sealed written bids on the properties. Any bid will be submitted to the Board of Commissioners for consideration. The interests have not been examined for easements or liens. The County will not warrant or defend the title or interest offered for sale to be free of defect or encumbrance. Bidder will take the property AS IS, in its present condition, and subject to any easements or exceptions of record, lack of access, zoning limitations and contamination. The County reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to remove any property from the sale at any time. The minimum bid listed is for the price at the auction. The County may accept lower bids than the minimum amount, provided the amount is not lower than 15% of the amount at the auction. Please contact 541-278-6215 or 541-278-6208 if there are any questions. The form for a written bid follows the lists of properties.

Additional information on each account can be obtained on the Umatilla County website through the interactive map.

No property available for sale

Written Bid Form