Umatilla County Developmental Disability Services (CDDP)
We are committed to Health & Safety, Choice, and Community Inclusion.
Intake and Eligibility
Kimberly Rehder, Eligibility Specialist
Phone: (541) 278-4458
Mayra Madrigal, Entrevista
Numero de Telefono: (541) 278-4452
Aplicación en español
Developmental Disabilities are severe, chronic disabilities, which are attributed to intellectual or physical disabilities, or a combination of such impairments. Some conditions typically associated with developmental disabilities are: epilepsy, cerebral palsy, autism, and intellectual disabilities. Developmental disabilities are manifested before the age of twenty-two, and are likely to continue indefinitely. The disability must significantly affect the person’s abilities in at least two of the following areas: communication, capacity for independent living, economic self-sufficiency, learning, mobility, self care and/or self direction. As a result of the disability the person may require lifelong supports and services.
Disability Rights Of Oregon
Disability Rights Oregon is pleased to announce that the Association of Oregon Centers for Independent Living and 8 individuals with mobility and/or visual impairments have entered into a class action settlement agreement with the Oregon Department of Transportation to address missing and non-compliant curb ramps and traffic signals on the entire state highway system. This involves over 12,000 curb ramp locations. ODOT is agreeing to bring them into compliance with the ADA and its regulations over a 15-year period – with 75% of the curb ramps completed by 2027. There are many other important provisions, including the appointment of an Accessibility Consultant, a public complaint process, and a way to request that an audible pedestrian signal be installed.
AOCIL v. ODOT Settlement Agreement
ODOT Notice of Proposed Class Action Settlement
ODOT ADA Appendix B - audible pedestrian signals
Appendix C - High Priority Locations