If this message is not updated, to register a smoke emergency or to report someone burning illegally today, hang up and dial 541-966-3651.
If you have questions or comments about the Smoke Management program, hang up and dial 541-278-6252.
Please check with your local fire district for further regulations for burning.
BURN LINE: 541-278-6397
Last update: 03/25/2025 05:05
If the burn line message or information has not been updated today, please click "Update" or call 541-966-3651
Renew Your Permit:
Burn Permit For residential burning.
Smoke Management Permit For agricultural burning (or any burning over 2 acres).
Smoke Management & Burn Permits can be processed electronically. Email permit applications to:
If you wish to pay by credit or debit card we can email a link to our secure payment portal.
Staff is available to answer your questions by phone at 541-278-6252.
Wildfire Smoke advisories & Air Quality information is a resource for statewide information on air quality, all smoke advisories that are issued and a map showing any wildfires currently burning in Oregon.
Designated Burn/No Burn Days
The designation of a Burn or No Burn day shall apply to all areas of the county. The following days will automatically constitute No Burn days:
- Air stagnation days. Days that are designated by the National Weather Service.
- Fire Safety Days. Days on which the State Fire Marshall, his designated agent, or the Board of Commissioners has determined burning should be prohibited based on general fire safety conditions.
- Haze reduction days. The following days will be Haze Reduction Days:
- Pendleton Round-Up. Open burning covered by this permit, is prohibited county wide from the Saturday preceding Round-Up through the Sunday following Round-Up.
- National Holidays. Memorial Day weekend (Saturday through Monday). July 4th (Independence Day). Labor Day weekend (Saturday through Monday).
- Other Festivals & Events. For the events listed below, no open burning will be allowed within a radius of three miles of the event site, nor within 5 miles generally upwind of the site.
- Umatilla County Fair & Farm City Pro Rodeo (Hermiston).
- Fort Henrietta Days Celebration (Echo).
- Hermiston Days
- OSU/USDA Experimental Station Research Field Day (Adams).
- Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation events (to be identified and applied for inclusion on a yearly basis).
- Caledonian Games (Athena).
- Muddy-Frogwater Festival (Milton-Freewater).
- Walla Walla County Fair (Walla Walla)
Contact Information
Click here for the Staff Directory
Community Development
216 SE 4th Street, Room 104
Pendleton, OR 97801