Weed Control Mission
To promote Weed Control in Umatilla County as a means to conserve, protect, and develop natural resources, wildlife diversity, water and soil stability for the economic and environmental benefit of the Umatilla County residents.
Weed Board Mission
The Mission of the Umatilla County Weed Control Board shall carryout the State Noxious Weed Laws (569.350 through 569.520) in a manner which assists land owners and managers in being responsible stewards of the land and resources by protecting and conserving our agricultural lands, recreational areas and natural resources from the degrading impact of exotic, invasive noxious weeds.
Services Provided
- Roadside Applications
- Brush Control
- Weed Control
- Noxious Weed (Click here for the Noxious Weed List)
- Inspections
- Survey & Consultations
- Compliance Enforcement
- Control
- Biological (Private/Public)
- Control
- Collection
- Release
- Education
- Community Awareness
- Annual Noxious Weed Tour
- Presentations
- Pamphlets & Handouts
- Grant
- Research
- Writing
- Reporting
- Community Awareness
Contact Information
Umatilla County Road Department
3920 Westgate Street
Pendleton, Or 97801
Info: 541-278-5462
The Weed Department is open 6:30 am. to 5 pm. Mon. through Thr.
Weed Department Supervisor Theodore Orr