Umatilla County Transit

Umatilla County Transit Development Plan 

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Umatilla County Public Transit Announcements

Public Notice of next Transit Meeting

Transit Committee Vacancy​​​​​​​



Public Transportation Service Providers (PTSP’s) and eligible sub-recipients are hereby notified that Umatilla County is currently accepting applications for the 2025-2027 STIF Discretionary/Statewide Transit Network grants.

STIF Discretionary/STN Letter of Interest (LOI) applications can be found at the following link:   Click Here

STIF Discretionary/STN LOI are due to ODOT no later than July 29, 2024. Early submittal is encouraged. Following ODOT feedback, final applications requiring County review must be submitted to Charlet Hotchkiss by 5:00 pm on Friday, August 2, 2024. 

Umatilla County Transportation Advisory Committee

Since July 2022, the Umatilla County Transportation Advisory Committee (UCTAC) has been in place. The UCTAC replaced the STF and STIF Advisory Committees following Oregon Administrative Rule 732-040-0035, which consolidated the STF and STIF funds. 

The Committee is responsible for advising and assisting the Umatilla County Board of Commissioners in carrying out the purpose of STIF funds effective July 1, 2023. The 2023-2025 STIF project selections are reviewed by ODOT in January 2023.

STIF funds public transportation projects and projects specific to disabled persons and senior citizens. 

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Special Transportation Fund (STF)

The Special Transportation Fund (STF) was created in 1985 by the Oregon Legislature. The STF was originally funded with a $.01 per pack cigarette tax. In 1989, this tax was raised to $.02. Today, the cigarette tax revenue, as well as excess revenue earned from sales of photo ID Cards and other funds from Oregon Department of Transportation. Originally, the law identified 33 transit districts or counties as eligible to receive the STF moneys... 

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Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund (STIF)

With the passage of House Bill 2017, Keep Oregon Moving, the Oregon Legislature made a significant investment in transportation to advance what Oregonians value—a vibrant economy with good jobs, strong communities with high quality of life, a clean and safe environment, and healthy people. The centerpiece of Keep Oregon Moving is the Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund (STIF). This fund provides a new dedicated source of funding to expand public transportation service in Oregon communities... 

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